Learn the pillars that we use to stay two feet in our best and most powerful selves as we create epic offerings, write books, birth art, and get paid for doing what we love. Walk away from this hour of power full in your heart and dripping in the essence of your best self.
Sign up to join the waitlist & get the free greatness meditation!
To the hopeful creator who is FINALLY ready for a business structure that actually works and doesn't require you to burn out or abandon what you actually want to succeed.
Applications and Enrollments into Monetise Your Magic open soon.

Are you are ready to finally create a successful business anchored in the integrity of your heart.
Sign up below to get access to the free LIVE MASTERCLASS and stay in touch as we open applications to MYM 2025.
When you sign up below you become the first to be notified when we open the doors to our signature intuitive business course Monetise Your Magic, so that you too can create a legacy and impact in alignment with your heart's calling.
We will also send you the link to the recording of our GROUNDED IN GREATNESS Masterclass.
Submit your details below!
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Aimee Vandersteen
Just delivered my very first intuitively channeled logo and branding guide! This is not something I was intending to step into but the intuition training in this course and my graphic design skills have collided to create unexpected and magical Business opportunities. One of the first times I have received money in exchange for a service that felt AMAZING and mystical, refreshing for it not to be a struggle. I am now moving onto my second project, both clients have initiated the opportunity without me advertising or promoting at alL. So amazing the magic coming in!!

Tanika Orzani
What is Monetise Your Magic, and how can it help me?
Monetise your magic is designed for those who are looking to lead from their truth in business and life. If you feel like you have a project, product, course, or offering that is your calling and you just can’t seem to get it up and running with a foundation and structure that is not only sustainable long-term but rewards you financially, leaning into MYM is essential. The community within Monetise Your Magic is full of like-hearted individuals who are anchoring in a new way of business so that you don’t need to run your business while running yourself into the ground.
Monetise Your Magic isn’t an event… It is a 12-month experience.
The promise of Monetise Your Magic is simple: to provide the structures and foundations you need to create a heart-led business of potency so that you can create long-lasting impact and a whole new world of possibilities. MYM will facilitate you into a BREAKTHROUGH YEAR in business and life that catapults you past your comfort zone and into embodying your most grand visions.
Members of Monetise You Magic get access to…
- Daily support & accountability inside our intimate and group Basecamp channels
- Weekly LIVE content calls and implementation calls where you can submit your work for review
- Quartley MAP Live events that are designed to set you up for success in your next 90 days
- Six LIVE heart based offerings designed to help you create potent heart-based events, market them powerfully and land your business structure
- 140 minutes of 1-1 support in your first 14 weeks
- 30+ Hours of pre-recorded content in our Online University
- 10+ Hours of Bonus Webinar content in our Webinar Vault
- Workbook full of MYM tools
- All hours access online Facebook community
The offerings that make up MYM as an offering are strategically designed to support you in creating a powerful heart-led business filled with creative offerings.
Monetise Your Magic is Application-Only and Spots Are Limited!
The way that our community is so willing to show up for themselves and the other members so powerfully is 90% of the magic in this container. The courage and commitment of our members are truly what make it so special. A potent group of heart-led entrepreneurs who will stop at nothing to create a world anchored in their visions of peace, truth, and integrity.
And it is for this reason that admission into MYM is only available through application and an interview process.
Who is right for Monetise Your Magic?
MYM isn’t right for everyone. Here are a few of the characteristics that help determine if it is for you:
Monetise Your Magic is for you if…
- You want to start offering your gifts and heart calling to the world but aren’t sure where to start
- You have tried to be self-employed before but none of your tactics and methods seem to be working or sustainable
- You work and play well with others
- You are open, coachable, and vulnerable
Great! What is the next step?
Our application process is opening up for 2022 Registrations shortly. To be notified, simply submit your name and email in the form below, thank you!
Interested in one of the spots?
Put your details below!
"I'm a fucking genius...I never would have said that 8-9 months ago!"
- Romina Lee