$10.00 AUD

Greatness Meditation Bundle

Tune-out and drop-in to our Greatness Meditation Bundle and be equipt with a toolkit for success in all areas of your life!

What you'll get:

Innocence Meditation: Innocence is the part of you that is connected to all time and space. When you are in innocence you have let go of the knowing, which is a state that keeps us confined in the mind. When we go into innocence we allow space for the unexpected. We allow our essence and magic to create through us.

Greatness Meditation: Ready to connect to the vibration of your greatness and ground that vibration into your reality!? Ready to show up more intentionally as yourself? Ready to show up more powerfully as the creator of your life? If you have answered yes to the above then this meditation is your invitation.


Soul Decisions Meditation: In this meditation, you are called within to find your soul's true YES! This meditation will serve you to gain clarity on any decisions in your life. You are called to trust that your desires were given to you with divine purpose, and this meditation will assist you in gaining clarity on whether those desires are actually yours!

[Upon purchasing meditations will be sent via email and downloadable in MP4 format]