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Creatively Loving Journal

Welcome to Creatively Loving: 28-Day Letter Writing Journey that has been put together to help you feel and express the truth of your heart. Using this tool has shifted so many relationships in my life - physically, spiritually, energetically and, most importantly, actually. It works.

Why Love Letters?

A lot of the way we perceive ourselves and each other as adults is through the lens of and as an expression of trauma. Let me explain.

At the time of incarnation, you are the essence and embodiment of unconditional love. You ARE love. It is your truth, and you are whole, coming to Earth for an experience. You experience Earth as an embodied droplet from the ocean of Source. Imagine an ocean, and each object - living or inanimate - is simply a different expression of that same ocean. This is the way Source consciousness expresses on Earth.

From the moment of conception, you are exposed to a myriad of beliefs and transmissions that are birthed from separation from Source/Love/God/The Universe. It is in this time that you begin to receive transmissions of fear - from mother while you are growing in the womb, and beyond. Each time our consciousness perceives a traumatic experience (which can be anything from a belief projection or a statement, right through to extreme physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological abuse) our consciousness quite literally splits into fragments. We hide the aspects of ourselves that we are taught will lose us love if we express them and we only exhibit to the world aspects of ourselves that we believe will result in our acceptance.

For now, the message I’d like you to receive and understand is this:

To acknowledge this premise as truth is to acknowledge that most of our expressed personalities are fake. Rather, our personalities are an amalgamation of whatever aspects of us were met with acceptance in childhood, as this kept us safe and, in our world, it kept us as loved as possible.

This is the foundation that has created a society of confused unexpressed hearts in adult bodies. Our journey back to wholeness is simply bringing loving awareness to our fragments and gently putting ourselves back together so that we may build a life from an empowered place of embodied love.

Download this Ebook now and give yourself permission to honestly and openly express yourself.

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