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The Initiates teaches you the tools to remember that YOU have the power and YOU get to choose YOUR heart.

The only way to create the life of your dreams is to be anchored in your heart.

The Initiates is a self-paced online course weaved with magic. The experience is specifically designed to ignite the remembrance within you, that YOU have the power in your life and that YOU CAN create the change you desire.

Being an Initiate means that you have been deeply and profoundly initiated into the power of your own true heart. You will be deeply reminded that your greatest gift IS your heart, your greatest gift to the world IS YOU! You will be connected with your own power to choose something different, to choose to start creating a life aligned with love.

I Want to Become an Initiate

Learn the tools to remember your power, and to start creating a life aligned with your true heart.

Move through six powerful modules at your own pace to discover how to remember that YOU have the power.


In this module, you learn the language that is fundamental to understanding this empowering  journey. You'll learn the terminology for different levels of consciousness and how this can relate to your everyday life.


Your emotions are ALWAYS communicating with and instructing you whether we are aware of it or not. Learning to fine-tune which emotion you listen to is key. In this module, we teach you how to fine tune your emotional  communication to gain clarity on what emotion you want to be driving you.


There are always multiple truths, every person on earth has a truth, sometimes the same truth, sometimes very different. There is your truth, society's truth, familial truth, community truth, but what’s yours? You need to anchor into YOUR truth in order to be able to take YOUR true action, not anybody else's. In this module you will learn how to get clarity on what YOUR truth is.


The truth is, connection is a choice and we need to be connected to our hearts in order to listen to what it is telling us. In this module you will learn the importance of remaining connected to your heart and the tools to do just that.


Wisdom is one of our most natural abilities. When we have truth and love, your wisdom will naturally arise, but it means nothing if you don’t anchor it in action. In this module, you will learn how to receive your own wisdom AND take action on it (if you choose).


With every initiation, there is a time of integration from the journey you have just embarked on. In this module, you will learn how to mine the gold you have received from your journey in The Initiates and how you can now integrate it in your life.

A 6 part journey to invoke the remembering of your true power. Join Ellie & Paige as you uncover the truth of your heart and equip yourself with the tools to create a powerful life.

What you'll get:

  • 6-part online course (Value: $1000AUD)

  • 12 months access

  • You, fully initiated into your own power!

  • Tools that work

  • BONUS: A 1:1 Call With Our Team ($80AUD)

Total Value: $1080 AUD
Now Only: $397 AUD
I Want to Become an Initiate

In The Initiates you'll learn:

  • How being connected to your power is the fastest and most effective way to create a powerful life.

  • How to gain clarity on your truth and be the predominant creative force in your life

  • Specific emotional communication tools to anchor you into making powerful choices based on what you'd love

  • How to create heart connection

  • Tools for being your own  guru

  • Real action steps for integrating your true power

Frequently Asked Questions

The Initiates is a self-paced online course weaved with magic. The experience is specifically designed to ignite the remembrance within you, that YOU have the power in your life and that YOU CAN create the change you desire.

Access to a 6-part self-paced online course and your spot in The Genius Portal community.

You will have 12-months access starting from when you purchase The Initiates.

There are six modules in the course, each complete with approximately six lesson.

Check out this episode of The Genius Portal podcast where Ellie and Paige discuss emotional freedom, freedom of expression, and what it truly means to live in the freedom oif an open heart.

There are no refunds if you purchase a course and do not begin or complete the course. We do however honour a 90-day refund policy in the event you have completed the full online course and feel you haven't gotten anything out of it.

This course is self-paced, giving you the freedom to move through it in your own time. We recommend committing to journeying through the six-modules, a minimum of two-times in your year-long access. This allows time for deepening and true integration.


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