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Welcome to our Elemental Magic School

Our curriculum focuses on bringing you closer to your alchemical nature. We are a complicated species! And to make this simple we've structured all we offer into 7 key elements.


Finding Your Place In Our World Can Feel Like A Lot


We think so.

There's a lot of magic on offer here!

That's why we've simplified it into 3 steps

(Simplicity = one of our values).


Here goes, fam.


Step 1: Hear Your Calling

You are here for a reason,

and we want you to find that reason.


One of these pillars will be calling to you,

and sure,

maybe multiple are,

but one will be louder, clearer and more urgent at this time in your life.



Well, quite frankly, only you in your heart know.


So what do you do?

Observe the 7 elements and see which one jumps out at you.

Maybe it scares you,

Maybe it excites you,

Maybe you can't explain it, you just know it's the one.


That's where your journey with us begins.


We recommend you follow that calling above all else,

because we value intuition over logic when it comes to carving out a life from your soul.


That makes it time to meet the elements!

OR if you already know yours, click here to skip to Step 2.


Theme: Intuition

Keys: Intention, Clarity, Focus


This is the foundation of self empowerment, the baseline of our work that allows you to speak the language of your heart and expand your inner knowing. Clear intuitive channels allow us to shine in our truth, conquer decisions effortlessly and intimately connect through all of time and space.


Air gets into every crevice on Earth and this element will help you in all areas your reality (inside and out).

Choose AIR


Theme: Love

Keys: Sensuality, Embodiment, Relationships


If intuition is the foundation of your connection to yourself, then love is the depth of your connection to yourself and others. They say when home is okay, everything else is lighter and we say you have two homes: your body and your relationship bodies.


When your relationships are clear, it creates a path of least resistance for your life to be filled with great pleasure, joy and blissful relaxation.


Fire lights the life force in you to burn bright like a bonfire, steadily like the hearth and beautifully like a shooting star.

Choose FIRE


Theme: Magic

Keys: Ritual, Cycles, Coven, Craft


Every human has a heart filled with magic and when we come together with intention, in celebration of the seasons (the Wheel of the Year), natures cycles (the moon and our womb) and each other, we give ourselves the opportunity to receive that magic.


This sacred space - including our global ritual membership and courses to discover your craft & circle-hosting wisdom - allows you to come home through the portal of you.


Silver in alchemy represents the moon and here as witches we honour the turning cycle that nourishes our truest essence, together and in solitary.



Theme: Heart

Keys: Expression, Alchemy, Shadow Release


We can either suppress or express, the choice is ours and our water element initiations open hearts to unleash expression and wholeness. We all have ways that we feel broken, and when we face them in safe spaces, held to the power in our hearts, we can transcend our limitations and be our authentic selves. It is time to live in synchronicity with your heart.


Water is the waves that tickle and crash and once embraced will both raise you to your greatness and hold you to your depth.


Choose WATER


Theme: Spirituality

Keys: Self Actualisation, Extrasensory Abilities


You are the walker between worlds and you can choose the extent to which you walk and the pilgrimages you undertake. Your spiritual calling is one to embrace without dogma, in your shining light. Our thirteen moon pilgrimage into the Otherworlds will see you finding your way to a celebration of your soul and all your gifts as a mystic.


Salt is the boundary that stays in place as the world shifts around it, the guiding light in your journey.

Choose SALT


Theme: Genius

Keys: Prosperity, Creativity & Service


In your genius you will find your gifts, talents and characteristics that naturally guide you to your success. When you tap into this part of you and apply it to your art, your career and your true service in life, you can flow beyond belief.


Our creative mastermind is a place to go all in on your greatness or you can start the honey drip with our self paced Grounded in Greatness.


Gold is the spirit of your genius, the result of the alchemy that guides you to the place where all your dreams come true.


Choose GOLD


Theme: Joy

Keys: Integration, Community & Ritual


Immersion is an incredible way to change and align at a cellular level. Magic happens when we gather with intention and whilst we love and adore our online containers, we also love getting together in the flesh so we can hug, dance and journey in person together. Our Elemental Magic retreat is an incredible immersion in our curriculum, hosted in magical lands that invite us to come home to ourselves, surrounded by new and great friends.


Earth is where we live, planting roots and casting spells with our soul family to integrate magic.

Choose EARTH

So, Do You Hear Your Calling?

We encourage you to scroll back up over the elements.

Treat it like a ritual.

Set an intention to see which one will serve your highest good right now,

Then follow your heart,

Because following your heart is the most urgent pursuit of your life.


Even though we believe in your ability to see your truth,

we help a lot of people who aren't quite sure yet,

(that's kinda why you're here)


So if you need help deciding your element you can book a free call (by clicking here) with an intuitive expert from our team.


And fear not: we have a lot of students who have participated in multiple elements,

there's no rule against it,

but you have to start somewhere and often, the first step is the biggest!

Choose AIR Choose FIRE Choose WATER Choose SILVER Choose SALT Choose GOLD Choose EARTH

Step 2: Dive In!

Our Genius Portal community is like no other and coupled with incredible teachings and a lot of fun,

we are so ready to support you as you tap into your higher self

and bring your heaven to earth.


Taking the leap can be the hardest step.


At this point,

you know you have a calling.

You likely even know what it is.


And you probably have reservations...

Time, Money, Vulnerability, More of the same,

Your reservations are human and welcome.


In fact, we start all of our journeys by acknowledging them,

because they teach us a lot about who we are and who we've learned to be.


The question facing you now is:

Who do you want to be?


And does that vision of you dive in?


If so there's one of two ways you can jump in with us.


Click your element below to join immediately available programs, waitlists or applications / for immediate next steps in your pillar

Choose AIR Choose FIRE Choose WATER Choose SILVER Choose SALT Choose GOLD Choose EARTH


Book a call to face your reservations head on, heart open and we'll help you get started in alignment.

Book Your Free Intuitive Clarity Call

Step 3: Reap the Rewards

Still here?

Maybe you're like our founder, Ellie, who loves a great 3 step plan,

or maybe you're having fun exploring all these elements of who you are,

But here's the ultimate truth.


The real results come when you take action.


Whether you have a million reservations or one,

nothing will change in your world until you do.


While it's important to note that you aren't broken,

actually we think the personal development industry is...

this is about freedom development.


Freedom comes when you remember who you are.


You remember who you are when you say 'yes' to your callings.

Even more,

You receive who you are when you act on them.


We can't wait to see you receive your heart.


In the meantime,

we dare you to take the leap.


You are not alone unless you choose to be.


Magic is real & so are all your dreams,

Book a call or course with us so we can help you see them come true.


It's time for you to be who you were born to be, surrounded by a global network of legends shining their lights.


So, what are you waiting for?


In Love & Joy,

The Genius Portal Team

Choose AIR Choose FIRE Choose WATER Choose SILVER Choose SALT Choose GOLD Choose EARTH

PS. If you're still not sure, here's the magic 'book a call' button again. You know what to do :)

Book Your Clarity Call

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